
Massage Therapy


 In Massage Therapy:  The student is introduced to beginning and intermediate concepts of Massage Therapy and their practical application. Classes consist of theory lecture, demonstration, and paired practice. Occasionally, there may be a guest lecturer. During the supervised practicum section of the course, students will have a chance to both give and receive massage in order to master the techniques taught.

Lansdale School of Business conforms to the standards set forth by the PA Massage Therapy Licensing Board in Massage Therapy Law (Act) (63 P.S. §§ 627.1-62750) and regulations 49 Pa. Code Chapter 20. (Meeting the minimum of 600 Clock Hours of Instruction).

Whether you’re just getting started or you’re ready to take the next step in your career, Lansdale School of Business can help. Get the training you need for the job you want. Contact LSB today!

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Meet a Graduate

The knowledge gained at LSB coupled with my years of administrative experience has rounded out my portfolio of skills giving me the confidence to take my career to the next level. My time investment to attend LSB is paying dividends in my daily work performance.


Anne Sweeney ‘17